(07104) 649185, 325808

International Conference

Sr. No Name of Author Paper Title Name of InterNational Conference
Date Publisher
1 Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar Design & Analysis of Locking and Unlocking Plate for Centrifugal Casting Plate ----- MAY 2012 IJCEE PUBLISHER

International Journal

Sr. No Name of Author Paper Title Name of Journal Vol & Issue
ISSN No. & Page No.
1 Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar Design & Analysis of Locking and Unlocking Plate for Centrifugal Casting Plate ----- MAY 2012 IJSER Publisher
2 Mr. K. N. Kawale Risk Centered Maintenance of Preparatory Section of Oil Extraction Plant International Journals of Multidisplinary Research & Advances in Engineering (IJMRAE) Volume-3, Issue-2; April-2011 IJERIA (PUNE) Publisher
3 Mr. K. R. Gawande. The Role and Significance of Subcontractor in Successful Project Management System National Industrial Engineering Journal Volume -1, Issue-2; Feb -2012 National Industrial Engineering Journal


SR. NO. Name of the Faculty Ph. D / M.E. / M. Tech. SEMESTER Result Status
01 Mr. N. K. Ijmulwar M.Tech. Pass Completed
02 Mr. K. R. Gawande M.Tech.(Industrial Engg.) 81.00% Completed
03 Mr. F. S. Hussain M.Tech. (MED) 72.45% Completed
04 Mr. D. W. Kore M.Tech. Fourth Sem ---- In Progress
05 Mr. S. Gite M.Tech. Second Sem ----- In Progress

Workshop, CUTP, STTP, Spark Attended

Sr. No Name Of Staff

Workshop Theme/STTP/ CUTP/Spark Organized at Schedule Duration No. of Participants

Sr. No. Project Title Name of the Students Name of the Guide Project Theme & Organized at Date Status
01 Hydraulically Operated Lifting & Sliding Wheel Chair Mr. Chetan Nandanwar, Mr. Saurabh Nandanwar, Mr. Pravin Raut, Mr.Mahendra Bag Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar "Paroksha-2012, National Level Project Competition at G. H. Raisoni Academy Of Engg. & Technology, Nagpur 19 & 20 March 2012 THIRD Prize of Rs 7,500/- & Trophy With Certificate
02 Compound Refrigeration System Mr. Darshan Lunge, Mr. Sandip Kolte, Mr.Paresh Ganvir, Mr. Mithum Bhure Mr. Akshay Chandekar Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar ITM Techno vision. A National Level Project Competition at ITM College Of Engg. Nagpur 16th March 2012 FIRST Prize of Rs 5000/- & Trophy with Certificate
03 Hydraulically Operated Lifting & Sliding Wheel Chair Mr. Chetan Nandanwar, Mr. Saurabh Nandanwar, Mr. Pravin Raut, Mr.Mahendra Bag Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar Techofest-12. A National Level Project Competition, Tulsiramji Gaikwad - Patil College Of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur 13th March 2012 Consolation Prize Of Rs. 1500/-, Certificate & Trophy
04 Hydraulically Operated Lifting & Sliding Wheel Chair Mr. Chetan Nandanwar, Mr. Saurabh Nandanwar, Mr. Pravin Raut, Mr.Mahendra Bag Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar "Progenitor-2012, National Level Project Competition, at Cummins College Of Engineering For Women, Nagpur 2nd & 3rd March 2012 1st Prize Of Rs 10,000/-& Trophy With Certificate.
05 Compound Refrigeration System Mr. Darshan Lunge, Mr. Sandip Kolte, Mr. Paresh Ganvir, Mr. Mithum Bhure, Mr. Akshay Chandeka Mr. N. K. Ijamulwar Spitze-2k12. A National Level Project Competition, at J. L. Chaturvedi College of Engineering, Nagpur 18th February 2012 Third Prize & Trophy With Certifica