(07104) 649185, 325808
The Department of diploma in Electrical Engineering was established in 1995 and was approved by DTE with intake of 60 seats. Prof.M.B.Deokate was the first HOD in 1995 having expertism in Circuit Network analysis and electrical Machines. Then Ms. S.R.Gupta became the HOD from 2005 to 2006 . From 2006 to 2013 the department is again handed over to Prof.M.B.Deokate as Head of the department. Prof.R.A. Gaikwad was the next HOD from 2013 to August, 2019. Prof.V.V.Mankar is the current HOD of the department since August 2019 till date having expertism in Microcntroller and microncntroller based applications.