Diploma Course
Selection Criteria :
- Admission will be conducted as per Centralized Admission Process (CAP) of DTE all over Maharashtra.
Procedure :
Centralized Admission Process (CAP)
(1) The Unaided Private Professional Educational Institution shall admit Candidates through the Centralized Admission Process as referred in sub/ section ( 3 ) of section 3 of the Act.
The stages of CAP shall be as stated below :-
( a ) Display or Publishing of Information Brochure by the Competent Authority.
( b ) Filling Online Application Form by Candidate for participation in the Centralized Admission Process.
( c ) Confirmation of Online Application Form and Document Verification at Facilitation Center by the Candidate in person.
( d ) Display or publishing of Provisional merit lists, Submission of grievances if any and Display or publishing of Final Merit Lists.
( e ) Display of available Category wise Seats (Seat Matrix) for CAP Rounds I, II and III.
( f ) Filling up and Confirmation of Online Option Form having preferences of Courses and Institutions before CAP Round I. Candidates may fill in choices of Institutions and Courses in decreasing order of their preference as specified by Competent Authority.The option Form once confirmed shall be considered for allotment in CAP Round I, II, and III.
( g ) Display of Provisional Allotment of CAP Round I, II, and III indicating allotted institute and Course.
( h ) Reporting and accepting the offered seat will be as per the allotment of the CAP Round I, II and III by the Candidate at Reporting Center.
(2) During the CAP, before accepting the allotted seat a Candidate can opt to 'Freeze','Slide' or 'Float' the choice of academic program for subsequent round(s), if any, of seat allocation, as provided below :-
( a )Freeze . -Candidates accept the offered seat and they do not want to participate in any further rounds of seat allocation. Such Candidates will not be considered in subsequent rounds of admission
( b )Slide . -Candidates accept the offered seat and indicate that, if admission to an academic program of higher preference is offered within the same Institution, they will accept it. Such Candidates will be considered in subsequent rounds of admission
( c )Float . -Candidates accept the offered seat and indicate that, if admission to an academic program of higher preference in any Institution is offered, they will accept it. Else, they will continue with the currently accepted academic program. Such Candidates will beconsidered in subsequent rounds of admission ;
( d )For Candidates who choose the Float or Slide option, and secures a seat of his choice of higher preference, then it would automatically result in the forfeiture of the seat accepted by the Candidate in the earlier round
( e ) Sliding and Floating options will not be available to a Candidate who is offered admission to his First choice.
Conduct of CAP Round- IV. -
( a ) The seats available for this round shall be published on the website. The Candidates are allowed to fill in or edit the already filled online option Form.
The seats to be allotted during the course of this round shall be subject to following conditions :-
( i ) Before start of this round, the Candidates can change their option from Sliding or Floating to Freezing or vice/ versa.
( ii ) Candidates who have not been allotted any seat in any of the previous rounds or those who have taken and cancelled their admission in the earlier rounds or rejected seat and those who are desirous of Floating and Sliding in this final round are eligible to participate
in this round.
( iii ) Candidates who have opted for Floating and Sliding and also applying for this round shall fill in the allotted institution in their choice list. Once the upward allotment is made the earlier allotment automatically stands cancelled.
( iv ) Sliding and Floating options are not available for the seats allotted in this round.(b)Reporting and accepting the offered seat will be as per the allotment by the Candidate at Reporting Center.
(4) Reporting and confirming the admission.-After final CAP Round, the Candidate shall report to the institution allotted to him and confirm his admission in institution. CAP allotment stages and process of allotment .-Allotment of seats under CAP shall be made in the following manner,-
(1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate.-The stages of computerized allotment are as follows,-
Stage-I : For all the Candidates,-
( a ) All the Candidates (Technical, Non/ Technical, Open, Reserved, Male, Female) belonging to various categories shall be considered for allotment as per their Inter - Se - Merit ;
( b ) The Minority seats shall be allotted to the Candidates of the State belonging to the Minority Community to which the institution belongs by virtue of merit or in Open Category as per their Inter - Se - Merit , if the seats reserved for them are not available at their merit ;
( c ) Backward Class Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment in Open Category seat by virtue of their Inter - se - Merit or in their respective Category of reservation, if Open Category seats are not available at their merit ;
( d ) SBC Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment in Open Category by virtue of their merit and in case of SBC Candidates who were in Backward Class prior to their inclusion in SBC Category shall be considered in their original Backward Class Category ;
( e ) Persons with Disability Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment for the seats reserved for them otherwise in Open Category as per their Inter - Se - Merit if the seats reserved for them are not available at their merit ;
( f ) Defence Category Candidates shall be considered for allotment for the seats reserved for them by virtue of their merit or in Open Category as per their Inter - Se - Merit if the seats reserved for them are not available at their merit ;
( g ) For the Candidates with Technical or Vocational subjects in qualifying examination, the seat availability shall be checked in the following order,-
( i ) Seats for Technical Candidates in Open Category ;
( ii ) Seats for Technical Candidates in respective reserved Category ;
( iii ) Seats for general Candidates (for both Technical and Non/ technical) in Open Category ;
( iv ) Seats for general Candidates (for both Technical and Non/ Technical) in the respective reserved Category.
Stage-II : For Allotment of seats reserved for Female to Male Candidates.-If the seat remains vacant after allotment to Female Candidates of the Backward Class Category or Open Category, such seat shall be allotted to the Male Candidates belonging to respective Backward Class or Open Category.
Stage-III : For SBC Category Candidates.-If the Backward Class Category seat remains vacant, such seat shall be considered for allotment to the Candidates of SBC Category, limited to the extent of 2% seats.
Stage-IV : For respective groups of Backward Class Category Candidates.-If the seat remains vacant in the respective group of following Categories, such seat shall be considered for allotment to the Candidates of within the respective group :-
Group 1 : ( i ) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Castes converted to Buddhism (SC), ( ii ) Scheduled Tribes including those living outside the specified areas (ST). 10
Group 2 : ( i ) Vimukta Jatis/De/ Notified Tribes (VJ/DT) NT(A), ( ii ) Nomadic Tribes 1 (NT/ B).
Group 3 : ( i ) Nomadic Tribes 2 (NT/ C), ( ii ) Nomadic Tribes 3 (NT/ D), ( iii ) Other Backward Class (OBC).
Explanation .-For Group 1, if the seat remains vacant in ST Category due to non/ availability of its Candidates, such seat shall be considered for allotment to the Candidate belonging to the SC Category or vice versa.
Stage-V : For all Backward Class Category Candidates.-If the seat reserved for Backward Class Category Candidate remains vacant, such seat shall be considered for allotment to the Candidate of any Backward Class Category.
Stage -VI : For Persons with Disability Candidates.-If the seat reserved for Persons with Disability remains vacant, such seat shall be considered for allotment to any Persons with Disability Candidates.
Stage-VII : For all Candidates (without HD and OHD Seat Tag).-If the seat remains vacant after completion of Stage -VI, then for allotment of such vacant seat Stage/I, Stage/ II, Stage/ IV, Stage/ V and Stage VI shall be executed by removing the HD and OHD Seat Tag.
Stage-VIII : For all Candidates (without any type of Reservation).-The seats shall be considered for allotment to all the Candidates based on Inter - Se - Merit . (2) For seats reserved for Female Candidate, the procedure for reservation as given in Government Circular of General Administration Department No. RSV 1012/CN/ 16/12/16A, dated 13th August 2014 shall be adopted.
The Seat Acceptance Fee shall be Rs. 3,000 for Candidates of General Category, VJ/DT,NT, SBC/OBC Category and Rs. 1,000 for SC, ST Category Candidates. This fee shall betransferred to the institution after deducting Rs. 1,000 towards processing fee, if theCandidate reports to the institution after completion of CAP process which shall be adjustedtowards fees to be paid by the Candidate to the institution. On cancellation of admission before reporting to the institution, the amount shall be refunded after deduction of Rs. 1,000 towards processing charges.